Domestic Violence Statistics

In 2020, 106,515 crimes of domestic violence were reported to Florida law enforcement agencies resulting in 63,217 arrests. During fiscal year 2020-21, Florida's certified domestic violence centers provided 412,360 nights of emergency shelter to 10,287 survivors of domestic violence and their children. Advocates created 150,799 tailored safety plans, provided a total of 191,451 hours of advocacy and counseling services, and received 72,321 domestic violence hotline calls from individual seeking emergency services, information, and safety planning assistance. Many more survivors of domestic violence are not reporting their abusers to the police or accessing services at domestic violence services due to reasons such as shame, fear, or being prevented from doing so by their abusers. For this reason, we may never know the true extent of abuse in our country and in our state.


Domestic violence Crimes in 2020

Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Domestic Violence Statistics

View official domestic violence crime statistics provided to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement by local law enforcement departments in each of Florida's 67 counties. Statistics include Statewide Domestic Violence Victim Totals by Relationship and by Offense as well as Total Reported Domestic Violence Offenses and Type of Offenses by County.

Please bear in mind that domestic violence crimes are not always reported as such, and thus, may be underrepresented in these statistics.

Florida Department of Children and Families Domestic Violence Center Service Statistics

View domestic violence center outreach and emergency shelter annual statistics for the state of Florida. These data represent the services provided by each of Florida's 41 certified domestic violence centers each fiscal year. This reflects only those clients served by certified domestic violence centers.

National Statistics

The most current national studies on domestic violence suggest that from 22-25% of all women will experience domestic violence at some point during their lives.

In the United States, more than 10 million adults experience domestic violence annually.[1]

1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience sexual violence, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime with ‘IPV-related impact’ such as being concerned for their safety, PTSD symptoms, injury, or needing victim services.[2]

23.2% of women and 13.9% of men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime.[3]

[1, 2, 3] National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence Fact Sheet, 2020.

Office on Violence Against Women/U.S. Department of Justice Publications

The Office on Violence Against Women offers results of national research reports and publications on violence against women as well as statistical publications, including results of the most recent Violence Against Women Surveys, compiled by the U. S. Office on Violence Against Women and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Department of Justice

Against Women Violence

VAWnet Library

VAWnet Library is an online resource for advocates working to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violence in the lives of women and their children.